Hostel Cross
Rúa da Cruz, 14
ZIP: 27001
Lugo, Lugo (Spain)
Phone (+34) 982 28 47 07 -
Latitude: N 43.01021285 - Longitude W: -7.55784027
Rúa da Cruz, 14
ZIP: 27001
Lugo, Lugo (Spain)
Phone (+34) 982 28 47 07 -
Latitude: N 43.01021285 - Longitude W: -7.55784027
Hostel Cross, is located in the center of this ancient Roman walled city. Just a few meters away, the client will be able to access
Hostel Cross, is 3 minutes from the train station and 2 minutes from the bus station, all on foot and within walking distance of the main tourist attractions of the city.
Other distances:
* Beaches of: Las Catedrales, Benquerencia, Foz, Miño …….… ..90 km.
* Ribeira Sacra (land of wine) .. ……………………………. …… .70 km.
* Los Ancares Lugo (mountain tourism) …………… .. …… 70 km.
* La Coruña …………………………………. ………………… ...… .90 km.
* Santiago de Compostela ………………………………………. 100 km.
* Ourense …………………………………………………… .. …… 100 km.